Posted by Ketan Raval | Education

We got a lot of toys, clothes, books & a color TV in donation last month.. We visited nearby NGO Helpline Education…  Where we are providing volunteering service for fundraising, operational & management services. Today we visited Helpline with so tons of clothes, toys… we talked with Ravi, Maya and other kids who are being nurtured there. It was an immense pleasure to see that kids loved these toys. They just started playing with it right away and we were watching how one old toys which wasn’t even used from so many days or even neglected by us can give them so much of happiness in their life.. it is difficult to explain but it was really great to witness.

Do you want to donate?

if you want to donate .. donate books.. we want to donate books & stationary to kids.. At this moment we are taking care of around 100+ Kids for their education….. Come forward.. your 1$ / 1£ can change future of a kid..  drop me an email on

Pictures For Kids Playing With Donated Toys..