Posted by Ketan Raval | Books

Book Title:Consumer Behavior By Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk : Book

ISBN: 81-203-2350-5

It is an Eighth Edition and reprint version for India. Consumer Behavior is one of hot topic nowadays. Lot of examples and case Studies are in this book. I love to read this book very often. To be honest have not yet finished but I do random read. There are plenty of things about consumer like consumer as an Individual, consumer in social and cultura settings , decision making process of consumer . I love to read about consumer behavior.. it helps me to understand human nature very closely … If you want to take this book and read it collect it from below address.. We do not want to charge anything or book is not for selling purpose but if you want to read you can come up and take it for few days. yes,  you must be able to make an impression so we can trust you. 😉

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312, Kalasagar Mall, Satadhar Cross Road, Ghatlodiya, Ahmedabad.- 380061

Contact Person :Ketan Raval ,